An ad agency is a marketing company that develops, produces and places advertising campaigns for its clients. These companies can be small, local businesses or large, global corporations. A wide range of services can be offered by an ad agency, including traditional print and broadcast media, social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and even virtual reality advertising.

One of the most important things a full-service ad agency will do is conduct market research and develop new ways for its clients to reach consumers through technological advancements. This will often include creating ads that are personalized for each user through A/B testing. Marketing is a field that changes quickly and it is the agency’s job to stay on top of those trends and develop methods for their clients to take advantage of them.

The creative department is responsible for developing ad images and messaging that will appeal to a particular market audience. The goal is to create an impactful image in the consumer’s mind so they will be more inclined to buy from your business.

The account executives are responsible for managing all client accounts and ensuring that the work produced by the other departments is completed on time and with high quality. They will also be responsible for communicating with the client directly and negotiating rates. The media planners will determine the type of audience that will be reached with each campaign and select which media outlets are best suited to that audience. They will also be responsible for negotiating rates with media outlets and monitoring how well each ad performs.

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