A waste management plan is an effective tool that allows businesses to reduce their environmental impact. By planning waste management before the work starts, processes are streamlined and costs can be predicted. As a result, waste disposal is often reduced and the business can save money on costly landfill fees.
An important part of a waste management plan is to include details of all materials created on site and their end destination. This includes identifying all recyclable waste, which is typically separated from garbage and sent to recycling facilities. It also includes describing how refuse waste will be removed including details of cost, removal crews and the type of vehicles used. The plan should also detail how reusable waste will be removed, where it will be stored and its eventual destination.
Having an idea of how much waste is being produced on a construction site can help businesses to cut costs. By planning ahead and making a few simple changes, large amounts of waste can be reduced. For example, ensuring that all materials are being used efficiently can help avoid producing unnecessary waste or creating over-abundances of certain waste types. Similarly, reducing the amount of waste generated during demolition can also save money and time.
Waste minimisation techniques should be used to ensure that all construction waste can be reused or recycled where possible. This can be done by promoting awareness and setting up an ideas board for all employees to contribute suggestions on how the site can become more eco-friendly. It’s also important to keep a record of all recycled and second-hand materials used on the project and their source. A copy of the REBRI waste transfer form [WORD, 36KB] can be used to record details of each load of recyclables and other waste sent off-site.
A waste reduction strategy is essential for healthcare facilities. Using a hospital waste management checklist, such as REBRI’s clinical waste audit checklist, can save a lot of time and money in the long run. It can be easily customized to fit a healthcare facility’s color-coding system and can be used to verify that all clinical waste is being segregated correctly. It can also be used to verify that all staff is aware of the requirements of specific waste disposal regulations and protocols.
In New York City, a waste management plan was implemented to help the city meet its waste reduction goals. In addition to reducing the amount of trash collected, this plan sought to change how the city disposed of its trash by phasing out short-term contracts for waste and recycling export, replacing them with longer term agreements that would offer cost stability. This helped to limit the negative impacts of frequent sanitation truck traffic on surrounding communities.
A waste management plan can be created for any type of work and should be written in accordance with the requirements of local, state and federal law. The plan should be created by a professional waste management company that can provide the necessary expertise in developing a comprehensive plan. The plan should also be reviewed on a regular basis and updated as required.