Fleas can be a major nuisance for pets and their owners. Not only do they spread diseases that affect pets, but their presence also causes skin irritations that are difficult to eliminate.
If your yard has a flea infestation, take steps to rid yourself of them quickly. These methods are safe for both pets and your yard as well.
Apply a pesticide or insecticide
A flea infestation can be devastating for not only your pets and yard, but it’s also an eye-opening experience for you and your property. Fleas are pests that spread disease and cause significant destruction to crops and people alike; but there are steps you can take to eliminate them without endangering either of your animals or property.
First and foremost, you need to tidy up the area where you have a flea problem. The fewer messes there are, the easier it will be to treat. Take out weeds, dead leaves and plant matter around your house and yard for optimal treatment results.
Apply a pesticide that targets fleas to your yard. Choose either a liquid or spray form that will dry quickly and won’t be absorbed by your pet’s fur or paw pads. Be sure to keep them indoors until the spray has completely dried.
Another option is to use a dust that’s blown into areas you suspect pests hide. These powders have long-lasting effectiveness and are safe to use around animals. Be sure to wear a mask and goggles when applying this dust, plus remove any food or water dishes until the dust has completely dried.
You may want to try planting cedar trees or shrubs that have a strong, distinctive smell that will deter fleas and other pests.
Cedar mulch can be sprinkled on flower beds, under bushes and anywhere you think fleas may congregate. It’s an eco-friendly alternative to pesticides that may not be as eco-friendly.
Diatomaceous earth is a non-chemical solution for killing fleas without the use of chemicals. It’s commonly sold at garden centers and contains fossilized aquatic organisms called diatoms, which have been preserved over millions of years.
Mow the lawn
Fleas can become a serious issue for pet parents and owners if not addressed promptly. Not only do these bloodsucking pests cause skin irritation and itching, but they may also spread diseases to your pets.
Fortunately, there are numerous methods to get rid of fleas in your yard without harming your pets. The initial step is mowing the lawn which can discourage these pests from setting up shop in your garden.
Maintaining the correct height of grass helps to reduce flea and tick habitats, as they prefer longer grass and a more shaded environment. Additionally, you should eliminate standing pools of water, mud puddles, or other moisture-rich areas from your yard.
You can also eliminate plant debris such as dead limbs and brush piles that may be hiding fleas or other insects. Doing so will eliminate a breeding ground for fleas to hide and lay their eggs.
Another way to prevent fleas is by mulching around your flowers, flower beds and trees with cedar mulch which has anti-biting properties. This will keep fleas out of the yard and can be used in fenced areas where your pet spends time.
Finally, applying nematodes to your lawn will eliminate fleas and their eggs. Nematodes are beneficial insects that live in soil and feed on other insects like fleas.
Nematodes are non-toxic to humans and animals, making them safe to use in your yard. They come in powder form that needs mixing with water; you should apply them every three days or so for up to two weeks.
Vacuum the yard
If you find that there is a flea infestation in your yard, it’s time to take action. Fleas can transmit serious diseases and put the health of your family and pets at risk, so getting rid of them as quickly as possible is in everyone’s best interests.
Fortunately, there are several effective methods to get rid of fleas without harming your pets. One such solution involves using a vacuum.
Vacuuming is an environmentally friendly and highly effective way to eliminate adult fleas, their eggs, larvae and pupae. Additionally, it helps stimulate fleas out of their insecticide-resistant cocoons faster so they are more likely to be killed when treated.
Begin by using a powerful vacuum to thoroughly vacuum carpets, rugs, floors, furniture and other fabrics – especially in hard-to-reach places. You may need to use the crevice tool on your vacuum cleaner for those tight corners and cracks.
Once closed, seal the vacuum bag or canister and discard in an outdoor trash container. If your vacuum does not have a bag, rinse it out with hot water and soap or bleach before discarding.
Next, wash all pet bedding and other flea-ridden fabrics that have come into contact with the insects. Doing this will eliminate any remaining eggs or larvae and prevent the pests from returning to your home.
Apply Diatomaceous earth
Diatomaceous earth (DE), also known as DE, is one of the best ways to get rid of fleas without harming your pets. This pesticide is a natural and non-toxic insecticide that works by breaking up insect exoskeletons such as fleas.
When applying Diatomaceous earth to your yard, the first step is identifying areas where fleas are likely to hide. Then spread the powder evenly around those spots using either a garden dust-spreading tool or by hand in a circle pattern.
Once applied, flea powder can be highly effective against them. The particles with an abrasive nature cause tears in their hard exoskeleton, ultimately leading to death. Furthermore, dust absorbs oils from within the insect’s body which further dries them out and eliminates it.
Reapply the powder once or twice a month for maximum effectiveness. Be sure that the powder has dried completely before applying again; this will make it more efficient. Additionally, you may need to reapply after heavy rainfall or strong winds as they can wash it away quickly in some cases.
Diatomaceous Earth is an eco-friendly, safe way to eliminate fleas from your yard. It doesn’t require any chemicals or insecticides and can be used both indoors and outdoors.