Fitness training is the process by which an individual exercises to improve physical health. It involves an overall program that balances five elements: aerobic fitness, strength training, core exercises, flexibility and balance training. Individuals may wish to engage in fitness training for a variety of reasons: to increase bone density, lose weight, reduce the risk of osteoporosis or improve their ability to perform everyday activities. The most effective way to achieve these goals is through a well-rounded exercise routine that incorporates all five fitness training methods.

Aerobic exercise, or cardiovascular training, increases heart health by developing the endurance necessary to complete prolonged periods of aerobic activity. This type of workout typically involves a prolonged period of continuous exercise such as running, biking and swimming or a combination of these. The goal of this type of training is to reach and maintain a target heart rate in order to burn a certain number of calories in a given time frame.

A fitness training regimen should also include some form of resistance or strength training to build muscle mass and strengthen muscles and joints. This may be achieved by using free weights, machines, bodyweight or elastic bands. The number of sets and reps used for each strength training session depends on the desired outcome. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that individuals complete at least two to three resistance training sessions each week, focusing on each major muscle group (legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen and shoulders). During each session, individuals should perform one to five sets of each strength training exercise, with a resting period between each set of about a minute or so.

Isometric exercise, in which a particular muscle is contracted against a fixed structure, helps to strengthen muscles and provide stability and mobility. Examples of isometric exercises include biceps curls, dumbbell front raises and standing leg extensions. Another useful isometric exercise is the plank, in which an individual lies on his or her stomach on a bench and lifts up to meet the chest.

The best type of cardio exercise to do after a strength training session is high-intensity interval training, or HIIT. HIIT involves performing bursts of intense activity followed by recovery periods of lower intensity, such as a slow walk or jog.

When selecting a fitness trainer, consider an individual’s lifestyle, age, gender and current level of fitness. For example, a younger person in good health can easily undertake a challenging workout while a older person may find this difficult due to the limitations of their body.

Choosing a trainer who is familiar with the client’s particular needs will help ensure that the workout is tailored to their abilities and will provide optimal results. Some trainers even offer to hold clients accountable by scheduling regular meetings and requiring them to check in to ensure that they’re meeting their exercise goals. Knowing that they’re being held accountable may make a person more likely to show up and not skip workouts.

Categories: Activity


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