Keeping your dental supplies in stock can help you avoid costly out-of-stock situations that can cause patient anxiety and impact patient care. But there are many other factors to consider as you plan your dental office supply budget.
On average, many dental offices spend between 6 percent and 6.5 percent of their expenses budget on supply orders, according to Dental Economics. This may not seem like a lot, but it can add up if you aren’t careful. As the cost of dental supplies increases, many practices are looking for other ways to cut costs and save time when ordering their products.
While many dentists still rely on large distributors to get their products, new online platforms and group purchasing options are changing the game. These e-commerce sites offer convenience and efficiency, but clinicians must be cautious when selecting their suppliers. Some of these sites do not vet their products or have access to the distributors that dentists know carry accredited items, says Dr Jeremey Krell, a practicing dentist and author. This can mean that clinicians end up with grey market goods, which can be dangerous to patients.
When purchasing supplies online, always check the product’s label for the manufacturer’s name and contact information. Also, be wary of prices that seem too good to be true. If a product is selling for less than the retail price, there’s usually a reason. A reputable supplier will have a clear, documented price list that you can reference.