Banuba Video Editor SDK

Banuba Video Editor SDK is a mobile video editing kit that comes with multiple features and can be integrated into an app in just a few minutes. It has a range of video editing effects, face AR masks, slow-mo and speed-up, hands-free camera recording, full HD support, and more. Its Read more…

What Is Measurement Based Care?

what is measurement based care (MBC) involves systematically administering validated clinical tools to objectify the assessment, treatment, and outcomes of patients with mental health conditions. A variety of validated instruments are available to meet the needs of different populations, settings, and services. These tools or instruments may be designed to Read more…

What You Need to Know About Reserve Residences

Often found in remote or isolated areas, reserve residences provide a home for Aboriginal people who lack access to mainstream housing options. They can be difficult to locate and are surrounded by a variety of challenges, including environmental hazards, poverty, and social hardships. These challenges are magnified by the fact Read more…

Blossoms by the Park

Blossoms by the park offer a chance to relax, enjoy nature and spend time with friends or family. They provide a natural escape from the bustle of city life, foster community connections, and offer scenic views that bring all visitors a sense of peace and calm. There are many types Read more…