A comprehensive addiction treatment program can provide the tools and support that will help you maintain sobriety once your stay at the rehab facility has ended. However, recovery isn’t a quick process and even the most effective drug or alcohol rehabilitation creates new habits that must be reinforced with consistent effort.

That’s why most inpatient treatment programs will create an aftercare plan for their patients upon their discharge evaluation. Depending on the individual and his or her needs, this may include continued treatment with a private therapist, a prescription for participation in addiction support/self-help groups (often 12-step meetings like AA or NA) and/or other addiction-related community outreach activities, and/or referrals to housing and employment resources.

These aftercare services will reinforce the healthy lifestyle habits learned during drug and alcohol addiction treatment and offer ongoing support and guidance in dealing with triggers, challenging situations and personal setbacks. They will also teach coping strategies to deal with cravings and prevent relapse.

As a result of these supportive structures, studies have shown that individuals in substance abuse recovery have lower relapse rates when they are connected with an aftercare program. In addition, an aftercare program will ensure that you are able to build up and use the healthy social network that will be crucial in your sobriety journey. addiction aftercare program

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